Let us hope that the reinstatement of rationality in physics shall come after sufficient research work that involves free thinking as well as good practice in peaceful times and shall be globally, only after a partial at least but adequate, reinstatement of rationality in the more powerful regions, as well as in the wider regions of the societies.
Acknowledgments. I would like to thank the Laboratory of Hydrodynamics and the Laboratory of Aerodynamics of National Technical University of Athens, for their support in the analysis of the Navier Stokes equations, and general encouragement in the present research. Also the Software Laboratory of the Department of Electrical Engineering for the computer support. I want also to thank the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens for the consulting on magnets, and electric engines. I would like also to thank Dr D. Matravers of the Departments of computer science and mathematics, at the University of Portsmouth, that although devoted to relativistic physics, he was kind enough, to ask me for a lecture and presentation of the present ideas, at their early stage of creation during 1996-97 at the University of Portsmouth. In addition, I would like to thank, Dr Evans, from the B.A. that after communicating with Dr M. Duffy, invited me in UK , and the University of Lancaster, that provided the facilities for the Lecture during 1998. Finally I would like to thank all the friends, e.g. like St. Dimitriou, and researchers like Dr H. Aspden, and many other people, that with discussions, enthusiasm, and encouragement, contributed somehow to take the decision to write this paper.
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